At the Slovenian cultural holiday

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When: 08.02.2020, from 10:00 to 18:00

On February 8, we celebrate the holiday of Slovenian culture and the memory of the Slovenian poet France Prešeren, who died on that day in 1849. Prešeren’s day is a holiday since 1945, and the state of Slovenia has preserved it and declared it in 1991 as a free day and it is of course, primarily aimed at culture. Many cultural institutions invite visitors for free tours of exhibitions, performances and events.

You are also invited to the Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik.

On the feast day itself, which is Saturday, February 8, units of the Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik will be open from 10am to 6pm (except Miha Maleš Gallery from 10am till 2pm) for free viewing of permanent and occasional exhibitions, such as in the Gallery Miha Maleš – Ivo Mršnik, a permanent exhibition of Miha Maleš and Gallery View Tea Curk Sorta; at Rudolf Maister’s Birthplace a permanent exhibition about Rudolf Maister and the occasional Our Borders – Fighting for the Northern Border and Maister’s Fighters from the Kamnik-Domžale Area and at the Museum at Zaprice Castle – Permanent Exhibitions Millennium Reflections, Thonet’s furniture, lapidary, and occasional about Ferry Souvan, At the barrel of gunpowder, and Lost Roman postal station.

On February 8, at 10am, you are invited to a public tour of the exhibition Lost Roman postal station at the museum in castle Zaprice Castle. The co-author of the exhibition, Janja Železnikar, will lead the archaeological exhibition on the finds in Blagovica, where a Roman postal station from the 1st to the 4th century is expected to operate.

On February 8, at 3pm, you are also invited to a public tour of the exhibition Our Borders – Fighting for the Northern Border and Maister’s Fighters from the Kamnik-Domžale Area to Rudolf Maister’s Birth House. The co-author of the exhibition, Alenka Juvan, will lead the exhibition and screen the films.