An urban walk in Kamnik with a concert at the end

Zaprice Castle Museum and administration
When: 11.08.2024, from 19:00 to 00:22

Kamfest and the Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik invite you on Sunday, August 11, 2024, to:

An urban walk in Kamnik with a concert at the end

Marko Kumer and Goran Završnik – management

Brina Kren – solo performance

7 p.m.: Gathering place at Zaprice Castle – Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik

Guided tour of the exhibitions Joyfull to Kamnik – Mostly sixties and the recently opened exhibition Sociability in Kamnik from A to Ž with Marko Kumer. This is followed by a walk through Šutna led by Goran Završnik and a visit to exhibitions at three city galleries (Miha Maleš, Dika and Prečna Galleries) of the international art project Dobre novice. In the View gallery, we will see an exhibition of contemporary portraits of Goran Medjugorac.

The walk ends at 9 p.m. in the courtyard of the Prečna gallery with a solo performance by saxophonist Brina Kren with a repertoire of contemporary and improvised music.
