Walk and film screenings in Velika planina

Domžalski planinski dom na Veliki planini
When: 25.08.2024, from 07:00 to 19:00

MMK and PD Domžale invite you to the 30th meeting of Domžale mountaineers. Program:

Bus departure from Domžale (Sports park on Kopališka ulica), 7:20 a.m. stop in Kamnik (parking lot next to the Kamnik Sports Hall), for all hikers from Krivčevo and from Rakove ravni. Contribution 10 €, mandatory online registration until free seats on the bus are filled. Sign up for transportation here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf2-IymVDK5WwFk5bZr148NYJIRTMFC_d3yk7t_fL0d7695jQ/viewform

help: www.pdd.si or 041 731 797.

7:30 a.m

Guided mountain hike from Krivčevo to Domžalski planinski dom on Velika Planina. Assembly place near Jurček, the route will lead us to the Podkrajnik mountain, and from there on past the Jelševo border to the Gojška planina and then to the Mala planina. The walk is expected to take 3 hours. Necessary equipment: mountain shoes, backpack, drink and snack, weather-appropriate clothing. Return to Rakove ravni, where the bus to Domžale will be waiting for us. Led by Matjaž Škulj, PZS guide.

Applications to: m.skulj@gmail.com.

8:00 a.m

A memorial walk along the paths of two giants of the Velika Planina, the ethnologist dr. Tone Cevc and architect Vlasto Kopač. The gathering is at 8:00 a.m. in the Rakove ravni parking lot (near the quarry). The expected duration of the hike is 4 hours with stops, to the Domžalski planinski dom. Be well equipped, take a snack and enough fluids with you.

Applications to: janja.zeleznikar@gmail.com.

During the journey, various experts will explain what kind of seal Dr. Tone Cevc and Vlasto Kopač left with the shepherds, in the architecture, material and spiritual culture of Velika Planina, and where and when the oldest traces of the settlement of Planina were found.

With us on the way will be: dr. Jana Horvat, France Malešič, Vinko Poličnik, members of the Cevc family, Janja Železnikar, Andreja Humar Gruden and others. The march will be led by France Stele.

8:00 a.m

Guided hike from the Rakove ravni parking lot to the Domžalski planinski dom. It’s a good hour’s walk. Applications are not required.

9:30 a.m (lecture room in spaces Domžalski planinski dom)

Screening of a documentary film about the architect VLASTO KOPAČ (Domžalski planinski dom – lecture hall, duration 70 minutes). An outline of his life and invaluable contribution to the protection and preservation of the Velika planina heritage. The film is the work of Janja Železnikar and Andreja Humar Gruden, production: Medobčinski muzej Kamnik, 2023

The co-author, director and editor of the documentary, Andreja Humar Gruden and Vinko Poličnik, Mountain Association Bajtar, will speak alongside the film.

From 10:00 onwards

Domžale Health Center workshop. The workshops will be led by employees of the Health Promotion Center of the Domžale Health Center. We will refresh our knowledge of first aid, the use of a defibrillator, and blood pressure measurements will be available.

11:00 a.m

Organized lunch (shepherd’s goulash or cheese štruklji). PDD members, look for the registration desk of the Domžale Mountain Association at the outdoor event area to pick up lunch coupons.

12:00 p.m

Welcome speech – performance of the Janko Kersnik Men’s Choir from Lukovica

12:30 p.m on words

The workshop of the Kamnik Mountain Rescue Service – the demonstration and performance of the Tyrolean cable car will be prepared by the members of the Unit for Rescue from Heights and from Ruins of the Domžale Mountain Association.


Screening of the documentary film TONE CEVC, dr. of ethnological sciences, researcher of life in the Alps and the highlands (lecture room in Domžalski planinski dom, duration 37 min). Authors: Janja Železnikar and Andreja Humar Gruden, production: Medobčinski muzej Kamnik, 2022.

Velika planina is the only mountain in the Alps where we can find an oval-shaped wooden shepherd’s hut. Architect Vlasto Kopač (1913–2006) and ethnologist and um. historian, dr. Tone Cevc (1931–2007).

After the film, socializing and chatting with members of the Cevc family, as well as connoisseurs of the works of Vlast Kopač and dr. Tone Cevca.


Departure of the bus from Rakove ravni to Kamnik and Domžale. Expected arrival at 18:15.