Calendar of events - October 2024

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When: from 01.10.2024, 00:00 to 30.10.2024, 00:00

You are cordially invited to our events in October 2024:

Birthplace of Rudolf Maister

Thursday, October 3, 2024, at 10 a.m

Introductory meeting of the study group Once upon a time it was in Kamnik

Intermunicipal Museum Kamnik invites you to participate in the study group Once upon a time in Kamnik. We will meet in the Birth house of Rudolf Maister, Šutna 23 in Kamnik, every other Thursday from 10 am to 11:30 am. Together we will collect material on a certain chosen topic, edit it and present it at meetings. There are many of them, from important artistic monuments in Kamnik’s Žale to Kamnik specialties and family albums.

Museum – Zaprice castle

Wednesday, October 9, at 6 p.m

Museum evening: ddr. Verena VIDRIH PERKO, What will be our inheritance, since we have shopping centers!

Slovenians experience our cultural heritage all too often as a burden. We remember her mainly during “those big” holidays and when it “comes in handy”. It stands in the way of our renovations, complicates our fast and modern development, spoils our fashionable taste… and hinders us, at least as far as the poor Slovenian language is concerned, in modern communication. However, the Constitution and Slovenian legislation, as well as all international documents, remind us that heritage is a source of knowledge and education, identity and economic development. How is it possible for a town like Kamnik to plan tourism development leaving its rich cultural and natural heritage aside. The lecturer will present contemporary views on the importance of heritage as a social value and on the role of cultural institutions and small, personal inheritances. Within the framework of DEKD and TKD 2024.

Komenda, exhibition center along the School Road

October 2024 

Opening of the exhibition TADEJ POGAČAR, BEHIND THE STAGE

The exhibition about Tadej Pogačar, the leading cyclist in the world cycling rankings, a global star who hails from Klanac near Komenda, talks about his journey and sports activities behind the big stage. What made him happy, what he did before he became a professional cyclist and how he is accepted and seen by his compatriots today after his many outstanding successes and achievements. All through the lens and text of Tadej’s compatriot, photographer France Stele, and under the auspices of the MMK.

Birthplace of Rudolf Maister

Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at 6 p.m

Maister’s evening: dr. Urška PERENIČ: A new view of the general poet Maister

At the Maister’s evening in October, the literary historian dr. Urška Perenič explained in an argumentative manner that “a soldier with a sharp, clear and directed gaze, with a striking, pointed mustache and after the First World War, the first among the fighters for the northern border, is no less interesting than a creator.” From a completely new perspective, she will present to us Maister poet and the literary environment in which he created, as well as his literary society.

Gallery View

Friday, October 18, 2024, at 6 p.m

Opening of the painting exhibition JERCA SUŠTAR

Jerca Šuštar is a young painter from Kamnik who completed her studies at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana. In her work, she experiments and connects the field of drawing with painting and graphics. In the cycle Follows, she deals with the research of repeated patterns in artistic expression and thinks about the relationship between form and the whole”, which also represents the contrast between the group and the individual, which is omnipresent in modern society.


Gallery Miha Maleš

Friday, October 24, 2024, at 6 p.m

Opening of the visiting exhibition of the Maribor Art Gallery ANTE TRSTENJAK

An exhibition of the painter Ante Trstenjak (1894-1970) will be opened in the Miha Maleš gallery, created in cooperation with the Maribor Art Gallery, which has more than 270 works by this artist in its collection. Trstenjak studied painting in various cosmopolitan capitals, from Graz and Zagreb to Vienna, Prague and Paris. He devoted himself mostly to views, landscapes and portraits.