New exhibition in View Gallery - Ana Kavčnik Jamnik

Gallery View
When: 23.02.2022, from 10:00 to 18:00

An exhibition by Ana Kavčnik Jamnik – Consequences will be opened at the View Gallery from 23 February 2022.

Ana Kavčnik, born in 1992 in Ljubljana. In 2016 she graduated in the field of sculpture at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, majoring in Art Pedagogy under the mentorship of prof. Mirko Bratuša. From 2014 to 2017 she was a demonstrator for the UL PEF Gallery at the Faculty of Education in Ljubljana under the mentorship of doc. Andrej Brumen Čop. In 2017, she was on an Erasmus + study exchange at the E. Geppert Academy of Arts and Design in Wroclaw, Department of Ceramics and Glass. So far, she has exhibited her works in Slovenia, Latvia, Germany, China, Poland and Croatia. One of her works is owned by the Mark Rothko Art Center in Daugavpils, Latvia. In 2018, she received the main award Ex terra Krško 2018. She is currently employed at the Faculty of Education, as a technical assistant at the Department of Art Pedagogy. She is also active in the first aid team of the municipality of Log – Dragomer and as a volunteer firefighter, which is always reflected in her work. Recently, in her installations, she has started to highlight materials that are marked by spaces and events and has moved away from ceramics, with the question of why she would try to present everything in front of her in ceramics, when she can use materials that they already carry their own history and their own narrative.

There will be no official opening.

The exhibition will be open until 28 March 2022.